Description :
Chrono Cross (クロノ・クロス Kurono Kurosu?) is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square for the Sony PlayStation. It is the sequel to Chrono Trigger. Unlike its predecessor's "Dream Team", Chrono Cross was developed primarily by scenarist and director Masato Kato and other programmers from Chrono Trigger, including art director Yasuyuki Honne and sound planner Minoru Akao. Composer Yasunori Mitsuda scored Chrono Cross and Nobuteru Yūki designed its characters.
The story of Chrono Cross focuses on a teenage boy named Serge and a theme of parallel worlds. Faced with an alternate reality in which he died as a child, Serge endeavors to discover the truth of the two worlds' divergence. The flashy thief Kid and forty-three other characters assist him in his travels around the tropical archipelago El Nido. Struggling to uncover his past and find the mysterious Frozen Flame, Serge is chiefly challenged by Lynx, a shadowy antagonist working to apprehend him.
Upon its release in Japan in 1999 and in North America in 2000, Chrono Cross received high ratings and critical acclaim, earning a rare perfect 10.0 score from GameSpot. The game's 1.5 million copies shipped worldwide led to a Greatest Hits re-release and continued life in Japan as part of the Ultimate Hits series. A "Millennium Edition" featuring a calendar, clock, and music sampler disc was also released.
Chrono Cross Cover US

Chrono Cross Trailer Video PS1
Story Guide for Chrono Cross (Source Internet)

Story :
"What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time.
But for a certainty, back then
We loved so many yet hated so much
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves.
Yet even then we ran like the wind
Whilst our laughter echoed
Under cerulean skies...."
Chrono Cross has you in the place of Serge, a young man who lives
peacefully in a small village. After exploring one day, he is taken
from his home world and transported to a sort of alternate dimension,
where he does not exist and died 10 years ago. He must sort things out
and put things back to normal. But while he is trying to set things
right in the alternate world (from here on referred to as "Another
World"), things in the regular world ("Home World") go horribly wrong.
Serge must cross back and forth to maintain the balance between good
and evil in both worlds.
Characters :
There are 45 characters in Chrono Cross that you can recruit. This
section of this guide is to help you recruit all of them. However, you
some will only be available once and you'll have to wait until your
second game to recruit them if you don't choose them. The four main
characters are listed at the beginning of the section. After that,
everyone else is listed in alphabetical order with information on Tech
Skills, short bios taken from the game, and how to recruit each
Age: 17 (Male)
Origin: Arni
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Build: Ordinary, Right-Handed
Weapon: Swallow
Innate: White
Serge is the main character of Chrono Cross. He explores one day and
is taken to an opposite world, where he must sort things out.
Lv.3 = Dash&Slash
Charge at foe for extra-powerful blade strike
Lv.5 = Luminaire
Build up and release a burst of "chi" energy
Lv.7 = FlyingArrow
Focus energy on Swallow and hurl yourself at foe
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: You play as him throughout the entire game, so...
Age: 16 (Female)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 99 lbs.
Build: Slender, Ambidextrous
Weapon: Dagger
Innate: Red
Kid is a young woman with a heavy Australian accent. She appears one
day when Serge is being attacked and offers to join the party.
Lv.3 = Pilfer
Attempt to steal your opponent's treasure
Lv.5 = RedPin
Throw a whole bunch of daggers all at once
Lv.7 = HotShot
The Death-blow machine invented by Lucca
> How To Obtain: In the burning orphanage, stand in front of the
machinery in the first room and press L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, X.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Accept her offer to join at either Cape Howl, Termina,
or Viper Manor.
Age: 17 (Male)
Origin: Arni
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Build: Solid, Right-Handed
Weapon: Swallow
Innate: Black
Lynx is a mysterious cat-person that is pursuing Serge and the Frozen
Flame. He is Kid's arch-rival, and has been seen among the Dragoons at
Viper Manor, as well as the Porre Army.
Lv.3 = GlideHook
Slice opponent as you gently fly past him
Lv.5 = FeralCats
Invokes a pack of magic cats to attack
Lv.7 = ForeverZero
All things become eternal nothingness
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: You'll become Lynx halfway through the game.
Age: 18 (Female)
Origin: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown, Right-Handed
Weapon: Shot
Innate: Black
Harle is a harlequin that appears frequently throughout the game. She
appears to be aiding Lynx, but her real purpose will be revealed later
in the game...
Lv.3 = MoonBeams
Use lunar energy to create blades of light
Lv.5 = MoonShine
Use lunar energy to protect your party
Lv.7 = Lunalretic
Create a lunar eclipse that causes destruction
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 25 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Joins automatically at the Dimensional Vortex.
Age: 27 (Male)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Build: Ordinary, Left-Handed
Weapon: Dagger
Innate: White
Doc is the village doctor at Guldove. He is the one who gives the
mission to get the Hydra Humour to help Kid when she is poisoned.
Lv.3 = HighFive
Throw your weapons high in the air
Lv.5 = Gnarly
A chiropractic attack that crushes a foe's bones
Lv.7 = HangTen
Pray for ocean rains to heal your friends
> How To Obtain: Find the Medical Book in the Dead Sea. Return here
and give it to him, and he will learn it.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Choose not to save Kid. He joins after Kid goes back to
normal. Return to Guldove and speak with him.
Age: 0 (Male)
Origin: Fossil Valley
Height: 2'2"
Weight: 265 lbs.
Build: Tiny, Front-Left-Clawed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Red
Draggy is a cute baby dragon that is born from an egg that you find in
the game.
Lv.3 = CoughDrop
Cough up a little breath of fire
Lv.5 = CoughMix
Cough up a fireball, then beat wings to magnify it
Lv.7 = BigBreath
Breath attack with help of Mother Dragon's ghost
> How To Obtain: Put Draggy in your party and visit the Dragon Skull in
Fossil Valley.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Take the Big Egg from Fossil Valley in the beginning of
the game. When you go to Fort Dragonia (Home World) to
get Serge back, go down the elevator and put the egg
in the active incubator.
Age: 40 (Male)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 163 lbs.
Build: Macho, Right-Handed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: Blue
The captain of the pirate ship S.S. Invincible, Fargo seems to be your
foe at first, but he will eventually develop to be a friend.
Lv.3 = Pillage
Plunder opponent's treasure
Lv.5 = CannonBalls
Call for support fire from the S.S. Invincible
Lv.7 = Invincible
The forbidden deathblow unleashed from within
> How To Obtain: Take Fargo and take him to the Fargo on board the S.S.
Zelbess in the Home World.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Automatically joins onboard the S.S. Invincible during
the latter half of the game.
Age: Unknown (Male)
Origin: Termina
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 66 lbs.
Build: Light, Right-Handed
Weapon: Axe/Hammer
Innate: Yellow
Before turning into a mushroom man, Funguy used to be Lisa's father.
Lv.3 = LumberJack
Make like a woodcutter and chop foe to pieces
Lv.5 = SporeCloud
Shoot a cloud of spores from the mushroom cap
Lv.7 = Myconoids
Release an army of mini-mushrooms onto your foe
> How To Obtain: After recruiting Funguy, take him back to the cave in
Shadow Forest (Home World) and examine the mushrooms growing there.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Find the man in a cave in Shadow Forest (Home World).
Another man in the forest gives you a Mushroom. Give
this to the man in the cave and he turns into Funguy.
Age: 20 (Male)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 141 lbs.
Build: Average, Right-Handed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: Green
Glenn is a Dragoon from Viper Manor. He is the son of Garai and the
brother of Dario, and a great fighter. He can use the Einlanzer in
battle, so if you recruit him, he will become an awesome person to have
in your party.
Lv.3 = Dash&Gash
Build up momentum for a stronger slash attack
Lv.5 = SonicSword
Tech Skill taught to him by his big brother
Lv.7 = Dive&Drive
Pierce foe from above and finish with a kick
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 40 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Refuse to help Kid. When you are taken to Termina,
witness his conversation at the front of the city.
When you go back to the boat, he asks to join.
Age: 33 (Male)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 271 lbs.
Build: Heavy Weight, Right-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Red
Greco is a psychic ex-wrestler that works as an exorcist. He lives in
a hut in Termina.
Lv.3 = Clothesline
Charge with outstretched arm to knock foe flying
Lv.5 = Flip-flop
Do a gymnastic lead up to a spinning drop kick
Lv.7 = GraveDigger
Do a body slam from the top of a magic tombstone
> How To Obtain: Put Greco in your party and visit the version of his
house in the Home World Termina. Talk to the old man.
HOW TO RECRUIT: After escaping from Viper Manor, come here and follow
Greco into his house. Talk to him and he will join.
Age: 26 (Male)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 401 lbs.
Build: Bionic, Right-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
Grobyc is a cyborg assassin used by the Porre Army. He will only join
those who are stronger than him.
Lv.3 = RocketFist
Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face
Lv.5 = HairCutter
Power up cyborg hair to generate a laser saber
Lv.7 = StrongArm
A secret weapon banned by the Porre Army
> How To Obtain: With Grobyc in your party, examine the coffin on the
second floor of Chronopolis.
HOW TO RECRUIT: After defeating him in Viper Manor, he assists the
party and offers to join.
Age: 26 (Male)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Build: Tall & Slender, Right-Handed
Weapon: Rod
Innate: Black
Guile is one of the three people who can take you to Viper Manor. He is
a magician that is found drinking in Termina's bar.
Lv.3 = WandaIn
Teleport magic wand into foe's innards
Lv.5 = WandaSwords
Turn magic wand into swords that stab foe
Lv.7 = LightninRod
Charge magic wand with lightning to zap foe
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: In Termina (Another World), talk to the man polishing
the statue, then recruit him in the bar.
Age: 16 (Female)
Origin: The Ocean
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: Mermaid, Right-Handed
Weapon: Pick
Innate: Blue
Irenes is a mermaid that wants humans and demi-humans to live
peacefully together. She will happily join if you agree to help her on
her quest.
Lv.3 = WaterBreath
Exhale a powerful blast of salt water
Lv.5 = MerMelody
Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member
Lv.7 = SirenSong
Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves
> How To Obtain: After going on the Marbule sidequest, take Irenes to
the doctor in the first hut and talk to him twice.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Speak with Toma at Marbule. During the night, examine
the noises outside. She leads the party to the S.S.
Zelbess. After defeating the Sage of Marbule, go to
the Magical Dreamers' dressing room. She will join
Age: 22 (Female)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Plumpish, Right-Handed
Weapon: Carrot
Innate: Black
Janice is a bunny-girl that runs the Grand Slam game on the S.S.
Lv.3 = BeatIt
Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum
Lv.5 = 24Carrots
Bounce carrots off drum as true "BeaterCarotene"
Lv.7 = What'sUpDoc
Concentrate all energy on drumming foe sky-high
> How To Obtain: Put Janice at the head of your party and talk to the
green monster at the Bend of Time several times.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Defeat Janice's monsters on the S.S. Zelbess.
Age: 27 (Male)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Build: Solid, Right-handed
Weapon: Axe
Innate: Green
One of the the 4 Dragoon Devas, Karsh is a great fighter. At first he
is your enemy, but he will join later on.
Lv.3 = DragonRider
Jump on your dragon to make a charge attack
Lv.5 = AxialAxe
Send aura into axe and throw it in a circle
Lv.7 = Axiomatic
Spin axe around to build up power for final blow
> How To Obtain: Put Karsh in your party and visit the Isle of the
Damned (Another World). Go to Garai's grave and defeat Solt and Peppor.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Will join either in Termina or on the S.S. Invincible.
Age: 16 (Male)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123 lbs.
Build: Thin, Right-Handed
Weapon: Fishing Lure
Innate: Blue
Korcha is a kid from Guldove that is somewhat of a troublemaker. He has
a thing for Kid too.
Lv.3 = HeadButt
Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent
Lv.5 = Hook&Sinker
Snag a foe on fishing line and reel it in
Lv.7 = BigCatch
A special lure to catch the big one that got away.
> How To Obtain: After Terra Tower, return to Termina and check the
mermaid tank. Find the mermaid by Greco's house and talk to her.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Agree to help Kid. Talk to him when leaving Termina.
Age: 6 (Female)
Origin: Gaea's Navel
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 71 lbs.
Build: Infantile, Ambidextrous
Weapon: Axe
Innate: Yellow
A cave-girl from Gaea's Navel, Leah approaches the party when you
arrive. She is an excellent fighter against the several enemies you
find there.
Lv.3 = RockThrow
Hurl huge boulders at opponent
Lv.5 = TailSpin
Swirl tail around to create a tornado attack
Lv.7 = TripleKick
Leap up and kick from three different directions
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Will automatically join when you reach Gaea's Navel
(Home World).
Age: 16 (Female)
Origin: Arni
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 93 lbs.
Build: Ordinary, Right-Handed
Weapon: Kitchen Utensils
Innate: Blue
Leena is Serge's girlfriend from Arni Village.
Lv.3 = MaidenHand
A real slap in the face to body and soul
Lv.5 = MaidenHeart
Virgin's prayer to recharge Elements' power
Lv.7 = MaidenFaith
Virgin's prayer for the power of self-revival
> How To Obtain: In the conversation on Opassa Beach, Leena will ask
you a question. Say that you will always remember this day. After Serge
is reborn, put Leena at the head of your party and talk to her mom in
Arni Village (Home).
HOW TO RECRUIT: At Cape Howl, refuse to join forces with Kid. She joins
the next morning.
Age: 28 (Female)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Build: Thin, Right-Handed
Weapon: Shot
Innate: Black
Luccia is Viper Manor's mad scientist that likes to experiment with
creatures... and people. She has a thick German accent, and seems to be
connected with Lucca.
Lv.3 = Pin-UpGirl
Practice the pinning of a specimen on your foe
Lv.5 = Mix&Match
Chemical compound causes multiple status effects
Lv.7 = TestAmeba
Let foe be a test-host for a new parasitic amoeba
> How To Obtain: With Luccia in your party, return to the Viper Manor
Sewers and examine the amoeba next to where the treasure chest was.
HOW TO RECRUIT: After fighting Lynx at Viper Manor, return there and
find Luccia on the balcony. Follow her down to her lab
where she will join.
Age: 38 (Female)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Build: Stout, Right-Handed
Weapon: Kitchen Utensils
Innate: Red
Macha is the mother of Korcha and Mel.
Lv.3 = BottomsUp
A hip-drop that makes foe the "butt" of jokes
Lv.5 = Folding
Handle foe as if you're folding your laundry
Lv.7 = DirtyDishes
One angry mama lets anything fly!
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Refuse to help Kid. In Termina, view Glenn's
conversation at the front of town. Go back to the boat
and talk to her.
Age: 9 (Female)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Build: Smallish, Left-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Blue
Another of the 4 Dragoon Devas, Marcy is a little brat that can't wait
to fight you.
Lv.3 = Cat'sCradle
Pierce the enemy with your secret strings
Lv.5 = StringPhone
Send a cold signal down your secret string line
Lv.7 = WebSurfer
Weave secret strings to cut out a wave of rocks
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 40 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Joins automatically onboard the S.S. Invincible in the
second half of the game after Riddel is rescued from
Viper Manor.
Age: 10 (Female)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Build: Thin, Right-Handed
Weapon: Boomerang
Innate: Yellow
Mel is Korcha's sister from Guldove.
Lv.3 = Snatch
Steal your opponent's possessions
Lv.5 = Doodle
Use your opponent as a piece of drawing paper
Lv.7 = Tantrum
Stamp on ground so hard it causes quakes
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 40 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Choose to save Kid. Chase Mel down when she steals
Kid's elements. Later on when Kid has rejoined the
party, come here and talk to her again.
Age: 19 (Female)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Build: Slender, Right-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Red
Miki is the lead dancer for the Magical Dreamers.
Lv.3 = HeadBopper
A dance that's bound to make heads turn!
Lv.5 = SexyWink
A lusty look that'll make any foe go gaga
Lv.7 = DanceOnAir
Dance in the sky while attacking with air-waves
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Take Fargo to see Fargo on the S.S. Zelbess. After the
concert and after you clear Marbule of ghosts, return
to the ship and talk to Miki in the diner.
Age: Unknown (Male)
Origin: Far East
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 20 lbs.
Build: Waistless, Dominant Arm Unknown
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
Mojo is a giant voodoo doll that resides in a house in Arni Village,
constantly worshiped by the man that lives there.
Lv.3 = VoodooDance
Perform a mystic dance that curses your foe
Lv.5 = CartWheel
Turn into a living Catherine wheel
Lv.7 = HoodooGuroo
Lift foe with nail, then drop while spinning
> How To Obtain: With Mojo in your party, visit the fisherman in Arni
Village (Home World), where he adopts the name Mojoy. Take him back to
the other Arni Village and talk to the cat statues Lasery, Aurey,
Lickey, in that order.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Before leaving for Lizard Rock, get the Shark Tooth
from the fisherman in his basement in Arni Village. In
Another World, show it to him with either Leena or Kid
in the party and Mojo will join as you're leaving.
Age: 5 (Female)
Origin: Viper Manor
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 44 lbs.
Build: Undefinable, Omnidextrous
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Green
NeoFio is the new life-form Luccia has been trying to make. It needs
the Life Sparkle item to come to life.
Lv.3 = PopPopPop
Shoot forth a barrage of flower seeds
Lv.5 = SlurpSlurp
Send out tendrils to soak up foe's HP
Lv.7 = BamBamBam
Gather roots into one limb to slam foe down
> How To Obtain: Put NeoFio in your party and go to Sky Dragon Isle
(Home World). Stand in front of the red monster to stop it from chasing
the butterfly. Go up the mountain, come back down, and press X on the
red monster, who has eaten the butterfly. The butterflies are spit back
up and they give you BamBamBam in thanks.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Get the Life Sparkle in the Hydra Marshes (Another
World). Return to Viper Manor's balcony and use it on
the flower in the pool.
Age: 19 (Male)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: Thin, Right-Handed
Weapon: Pick
Innate: Blue
Nikki is the lead singer of the Magical Dreamers. He is one of the
three people that can guide you to Viper Manor.
Lv.3 = GrandFinale
Break beloved guitar on foe at performance's end
Lv.5 = ChillOut
Play a cool tune that'll freeze your worst critic
Lv.7 = LimeLight
Play some heavy metal that'll shake your foes
> How To Obtain: With Nikki in your party, visit Nikki on the S.S.
Zelbess in the Home World.
HOW TO RECRUIT: In Termina, board the Magical Dreamers ship and go to
the dressing room. Talk to the manager and Miki will
ask you to find Nikki in the Shadow Forest. Go there
and save Nikki from the Cassowaries. Follow him under
the waterfall and he will join.
Age: 26 (Male)
Origin: Porre, Zenan
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Build: Average, Right-Handed
Weapon: Gun
Innate: Yellow
Norris is a commander in the Porre Army.
Lv.3 = SpiralRay
Shoot a twisting ray of aura from your pistol
Lv.5 = SunShower
Fire aura in the air to cause a rain of bullets
Lv.7 = TopShot
Fires a concentrated ball of aura energy
> How To Obtain: After rescuing Riddel from Viper Manor, return with
Norris in your party and talk to the other Norris.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Visit the Viper Manor Ruins (Home World) with Radius in
your party and talk to Norris, who is in the basement
Age: 44 (Male)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Build: Chubby, Right-Handed
Weapon: Kitchen Utensils
Innate: Red
Orcha is Viper Manor's cook. The Porre Army is using his "bad side"
against Riddel, but he recovers and will join the group.
Lv.3 = SpiceOfLife
Scatter secret spice to make party healthy
Lv.5 = MysteryMenu
Turns your foe into the main course
Lv.7 = DinnerGuest
Invites the cook to show his other face
> How To Obtain: Put Orcha at the front of the party and talk to his
brother Belcha in the restaurant in Arni (Home World).
HOW TO RECRUIT: Joins automatically after defeating him in Viper Manor.
Age: 23 (Female)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Build: Muscular, Left-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Blue
Orlha is the bartender from Guldove who is seeking her long-lost
sister. She confronts your party, thinking you're sided with Porre.
Lv.3 = Multipunch
A chain attack inherited by a single child
Lv.5 = PunchDrunk
"Drunken Master" attack taught by her parents
Lv.7 = SisterHoods
An inherited technique performed by two sisters
> How To Obtain: With Orlha in your party, speak to Doc in the Home
World version of Guldove.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Defeat Orlha in Guldove (Another). She gives you a
SapphireBrooch. When Serge is reborn, go back to her
and show her the brooch.
Age: 23 (Male)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Weakling, Right-Handed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: Blue
Pierre is one of the three people that can take you Viper Manor. He may
seem weak at first, but equipping him with the Hero's equipment found
throughout the game, he can become a great fighter.
Lv.3 = Medalsome
Pray upon the legendary Hero's Medal for help
Lv.5 = FoiledAgain
Gracefully score a double touch on foe
Lv.7 = SlapOfCyrus
A deathblow borrowed from the tough guy Cyrus
> How To Obtain: Equip Pierre with the Prop Sword.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Talk to Pierre in the back room of Zappa's Smithy
(Another World). Go outside and talk to the boy
running around, and you get the Hero's Medal. Give it
to Pierre and he will join your party and take you to
Viper Manor.
Age: Unknown (Male)
Origin: Viper Manor Lab
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown, Dominant Paw Unknown
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Various
Pip is a strange creature that lives in Luccia's lab in Viper Manor. He
is a unique character, because he evolves into different forms,
depending on what elements he uses.
Using black, red, green = turns Pip into a devil
Using white, blue, yellow = turns Pip into an angel
Using a mix of both = turns Pip into a creature with rainbow wings
Don't use Pip enough = nothing happens
Lv.3 = Pounce
Hurl body at foe with all one's might
Lv.5 = Soothe
Gently calm party to restore stamina and HP
Lv.7 = Pounce+4
> How To Obtain: don't use Pip very much and he will learn it
Do the "wild thing" and go into a hellish rage
> How To Obtain: Turn Pip into a devil (see above)
Just give your opponent a gentle poke
> How To Obtain: Turn Pip into an angel (see above)
> How To Obtain: Use a mix of both element groups
HOW TO RECRUIT: In Viper Manor, release the lock on Pip's cage. Later
onboard the S.S. Invincible, chase him around the hold
until you corner him. He will join the group.
Age: Unknown (Female)
Origin: Arni
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 26 lbs.
Build: Roly-poly, Dominanat Paw Unknown
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Yellow
Poshul is the lisping pink dog from Arni that loves Heckran Bones.
Lv.3 = K9-Ball
Curl up into a ball and bounce at foe
Lv.5 = DoggyDunnit
Kick up the dirty stuff from pooch's sandbox
Lv.7 = Unleashed
Unlock dog collar to unleash pooch power!
> How To Obtain: After Serge is reborn, return to Arni Village (Home
World) with Poshul in your party. Talk to Leena on the pier.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Get the Heckran Bone from under the bed in the back of
the kitchen. Give it to Poshul and she will join the
party. If you don't, your only other chance to recruit
her is at Cape Howl. Refuse to join forces with Kid,
and Poshul joins along with Leena the next morning.
Age: 62 (Male)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Build: Thin, Right-Handed
Weapon: Staff
Innate: Green
Radius is a retired Dragoon. In the Home World, he is the chief of Arni
Village. In Another World, he lives alone on Hermit's Hideaway.
Lv.3 = LongShot
Hit foe from afar with "Chi" aura
Lv.5 = QuickDraw
Swing your staff faster than the eye can see
Lv.7 = VitalEnergy
Send waves of "Chi" aura flying at foe
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: When you're playing as Lynx, visit Serge's mother in
Arni (Home World). Radius comes in. Defeat him and he
joins the party.
Age: Unknown (Female)
Origin: Water Dragon Isle
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 11 lbs.
Build: Tiny, Dominant Arm Unknown
Weapon: Rod
Innate: Green
Razzly is a fairy that is found locked in a cage in Hydra Marshes. Her
family lives on Water Dragon Isle.
Lv.3 = Raz-Star
Catch a falling star
Lv.5 = Raz-Heart
A gift from the heart
Lv.7 = Raz-Flower
Protect friends with flower power
> How To Obtain: After Serge is reborn, take Razzly to Water Dragon
Isle (Another World) and talk to her sister Rosetta.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Agree to help Kid. Save her from the Pentapus in Hydra
Marshes (Home World), and she will join.
Age: 24 (Female)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Slender, Right-Handed
Weapon: Rod
Innate: White
Riddel is the daughter of General Viper. She has grown up with Dario
and Glenn. Her Tech Skills are useful in battle, as they all are
Lv.3 = SnakeEyes
Use the power of White Cobra to heal your party
Lv.5 = SnakeSkin
Use the power of White Cobra for protection
Lv.7 = SnakeFangs
White Cobra's power will recharge some Elements
> How To Obtain: Defeat Dario on the Forbidden Island. Riddel must be
in your party.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Save Riddel from the Porre Army at Viper Manor. Then
visit her at Hermit's Hideaway. Later on, she will
join on the S.S. Invincible.
Age: 32 (Male)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 51 lbs.
Build: Boney, Left-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
Skelly is a circus skeleton whose parts have been scattered throughout
the world. In order for him to join, you must find all his bones.
Lv.3 = JugglerVein
Use special juggling balls to pound foes
Lv.5 = BalloonLoan
Boost your strength by blowing a magic balloon
Lv.7 = OnARoll
Hop on a huge beach ball and run over foe with it
> How To Obtain: After Serge is reborn, take Skelly to Termina (Home
World) and talk to the barmaid.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Find Skelly's parts located in Fossil Valley, Shadow
Forest, Guldove, Hydra Marshes, Water Dragon Isle, and
Isle of the Damned, all located in Another World. Take
them to Skelly's grandma in Termina and she will
reassemble Skelly. Leave and reenter. Talk to Skelly
and he will join.
Age: 53 (Male)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 139 lbs.
Build: Ordinary, Right-Handed
Weapon: Shot
Innate: Yellow
Sneff is an old magician who works on the S.S. Zelbess. He has the
ability to change people into other objects, and he has high debt to
Fargo from gambling.
Lv.3 = BigDeal
Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards
Lv.5 = HPShuffle
Reorder the digits that make up your HP value
Lv.7 = SwordTrick
A new magic trick, the likes of which have never been seen before!
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Speak with Sneff in his dressing room after defeating
the Sage of Marbule onboard the S.S. Zelbess.
Age: 224 (Female)
Origin: Dimensional Vortex
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 86 lbs.
Build: Dwarfish, Left-Handed
Weapon: Staff
Innate: Green
Found in her house in the Dimensional Vortex, Sprigg is an old lady
that has the ability to change herself into previously met foes. She
can equip the Forget-Me-Not Pot to finish off monsters, allowing you
to use them in the Grand Slam against Janice.
Lv.3 = N/A
Lv.5 = Doppelgang
Transforms herself into a previously met foe
Lv.7 = N/A
HOW TO RECRUIT: In the Dimensional Vortex, shake the berry tree. When
Sprigg runs out of her house, run into it before she
gets back. After resting the night, she joins.
Age: Unknown (Male)
Origin: Another Planet
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 11 lbs.
Build: Alien, Ambidextrous
Weapon: Gun
Innate: White
Starky is a little alien that has crash-landed on Earth. In one world,
his ship is destroyed, but in the other, it's still intact. He is
useful in getting your party to Terra Tower later in the game.
Lv.3 = StarLight
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK1
Lv.5 = StarBurst
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK2
Lv.7 = StarStruck
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK3
> How To Obtain: After the Terra Tower, put Starky in your party and
check the hatch inside his ship in the El Nido Triangle (A).
HOW TO RECRUIT: Get the Star Fragment from the El Nido Triangle in the
Home World. Go to Sky Dragon Isle and climb to the
top, where Starky will fight you in his Mega form.
After defeating him, chase him around the area until
you catch him. He will join.
Age: 24 (Female)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Build: Tall & Slender, Right-Handed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: White
Steena resides in the Shrine in Guldove. She provides a lot of
information on places you want to know about.
Lv.3 = DireaShadow
Summon the eidolon of the last Shrine Maiden
Lv.5 = HydraShadow
Summon the eidolon of a Hydra
> How To Obtain: Defeat the De-Hydrate at the Hydra Marshes (Home
World) after Serge is reborn.
Lv.7 = GaraiShadow
Summon the eidolon of Garai
> How To Obtain: Take Steena to Garai's grave in the Isle of the Damned
(Home World).
HOW TO RECRUIT: Defeat all 6 Dragon Gods, then visit her in the Shrine
in Guldove (Home World).
Age: 3 (Male)
Origin: Hermit's Hideaway
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 62 lbs.
Build: Round, Right-Rhizomed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: Green
Turnip is a strange character that's... well, a turnip!
Lv.3 = VegeChopper
Leap in air and put all force behind massive cut
Lv.5 = VegeMight
Burrow into ground to do uppercut from below
Lv.7 = VegOut
A secret power he doesn't talk about...
> How To Obtain: Put NeoFio and Turnip in your party and return to the
spot where NeoFio was born.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Use either the Ice Breath or Ice Gun on the hot patch
of ground at Hermit's Hideaway (A). Then put Poshul in
your party and go to the Home World Hermit's Hideaway.
Examine the same spot and Poshul will dig up Turnip.
Age: 14 (Male)
Origin: Termina
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 88 lbs.
Build: Smallish, Left-Handed
Weapon: Boomerang
Innate: Green
Van is the son of his artist father named Gogh. ^_^ In both worlds,
he's not happy with his life.
Lv.3 = JumpThrow
A Tech Skill learned from a correspondence course
Lv.5 = WetPaint
Throw artist's paintpots all over the place
Lv.7 = PiggyBoink
Set your precious piggy bank onto your foe
> How To Obtain: Automatically appears at 35 stars. To increase the
power, deposit money into Van's piggy bank at his house.
HOW TO RECRUIT: In Termina (Home), visit Van's house past the smithy.
Inside, witness the conversation involving the
landlord. Say that you are serious about seeking the
Frozen Flame, and Van will join.
Age: 57 (Male)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 216 lbs.
Build: Solid, Right-Handed
Weapon: Sword
Innate: Yellow
General Viper is the man who lives in Viper Manor and is highly
regarded as the ruler of El Nido.
Lv.3 = G-Force
Utilize gravity's pull to swing sword harder
Lv.5 = AirForce
Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes
Lv.7 = FlagBearer
Raise the national flag to raise the fighting spirit.
> How To Obtain: After Serge is reborn, take Viper and bring him to
Termina (Home) and go to the bar. Go into the back room and examine the
tapestry there.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Viper joins on the S.S. Invincible after you rescue
Riddel from the Porre Army.
Age: 27 (Male)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Build: Mammoth, Right-Handed
Weapon: Glove
Innate: Yellow
Another of the 4 Dragoon Devas, Zoah is a large person whose face is
concealed inside a helmet. He is a strong fighter in battle.
Lv.3 = DragonRider
Jump from your steed to do an elbow-crush dive
Lv.5 = Gyronimo
Fly like a helicopter to make a spinning dive
Lv.7 = Toss&Spike
Throw foe high in air, then beat him back down
> How To Obtain: With Zoah in your party, go to his room in Viper Manor
and open the chest.
HOW TO RECRUIT: Your first opportunity is in Termina before rescuing
Riddel from Viper Manor. If you don't choose him
there, he will join onboard the S.S. Invincible