Description :
Dino Crisis is a survival horror and action-adventure video game series created by Shinji Mikami and owned by the video game company Capcom. The plot focuses on multiple characters and their roles in recurring outbreaks of deadly dinosaurs and other monsters in a closed environment such as a laboratory on an island. The series also includes comic books and associated merchandise. As of December 31, 2019, the game series has sold 4.4 million units worldwide.

Dino Crisis Cover US

Dino Crisis Trailer Video PS1

Story Guide for Dino Crisis (Source Internet)

Story :

Computer OS

" You have mail. (pause) The second report from

the military facility, agent name TOM "

Tom OS

" I have successfully infiltrated under the guise or a

researcher as planned. I have encountered no

information regarding top secret development of new

type weapon, but I have discovered there is an un

expected individual at this facility, the man is Dr

Kirk, the leading authority of our nation's energy

research, Dr Kirk was alleged to have died during

the course of an experiment three years ago, the report

was pre-mature and it appears that he's currently as

the head of a non-weapon project at this facility,

the experiment is at the late stage of development.

Regarding the staged accidental it appears that this

country is somehow involved, recommending that necessary

actions be taken immediately "

Computer OS

" Refer to the data on Dr Kirk "

( Screens showing information about Dr Kirk start flashing )

Computer OS

" Operation instructions "

Mystery man starts typing

" Secure Dr Kirk, and repatriate him swiftly"


The game start off in a few-years-from-now futuristic timeline,

the story revolves around the members of the government's secret

team called S.O.R.T. , their mission is to rescue the scientist

named Doctor Kirk alive from the research facility on a remote

island, the doctor was supposed to have died in an accident some

years ago but it appears that he's working on some brand new

project on this island, and he's alive and kicking too. The

government wants their scientist back, and they send in a team

of highly trained operatives to get him out of there, by force

if necessary.

But they have no idea of what the island holds for them, the

Doctor had been experimenting with a new force called the Third

Energy, which has the potential to swap area's from one place

in a timeline with the same place millions of years ago, which

causes the pre-historic monsters from millions of years ago

to appear in the island and the facility, the guards and

scientists stand no chance against the prehistoric creatures

and they get killed and eaten pretty easily. When the hero's

arrive the whole island is already quieter then hell.

One of the members of the team, Cooper, is attacked and eaten

immediately after landing by a T-REX, the deadliest of the

dinosaurs, the rest arrive at the facility safely, but they

have no idea that the facility will hold a deadly game of

life and death for them. They must complete their mission ,

but their own lives are stake aswell. One little mistake

can mean life or death.

Characters :


Age : 22

Height 182 cm

Regina is the main character of this game, and you will be with

her for the entire length of it, Regina is the rookie member of

the secret team but she is high on experience, having gone

through several missions herself, she is one of the best trained

operative in the agency, which is why she was chosen for this

difficult assignment, Regina has more then enough skills to back

up her good looks and nice attitude towards people, she would

never back down from helping a comrade in danger, but she would

also not back down from a good challenge. Excellent with just

about any kind of fire arm, ranging from the weak and quick pistols

to the heavy and powerful grenade launcher, she can handle guns

with very ease. This time around the enemy Regina is facing is

something she would never imagine of and all of her survival

skills will be put to the ultimate test.


Gail is one of the best agents there is out there, there's no

doubt that he was chosen as the leader of this operation, Gail

is a combat veteran and has seen worse things then most people

can imagine, an excellent survivalist, Gail is trained to take

down all kinds of enemies he comes up against, but this time

his enemies are not humans. Gail has perfect aim with the guns

and can shoot anything from a far off distance, but those are

just his skills which appear on paper. Personally Gail is one

of the coldest men on the face of the planet, he almost always

has a blank look on his face and whenever he's on a mission,

the only thing on his mind is his objective, even life

threatening injuries would not stop this guy from trying to

finish his mission, so basically he was the perfect candidate

to be the leader of this operation. Can Gail finish this one ?


Rick is probably the most fun-guy out of the entire squad of

his agency, but thetas not the reason why he was sent with the

team, Rick is exceptionally well trained when it comes to

computers and security terminals, he can crack just about any

code in a matter of minutes, and since this island is mostly

activated by computer technology Rick's assistance in this

mission is a must. His combat skills are not as good as the

other members, but he can take care of himself and fire off

some rounds if the occasion calls for it. Personality wise

Rick is probably the most soft hearted person to join such

a rogue agency, he always puts his friends first even if it

costs him the current mission.


Dr Kirk is a brilliant scientist, but unfortunately like

most of the other genius scientists, most of his experiments

revolve around weapons or destructive elements. On paper

the people knew him as a scientist who was working for the

good of mankind, but behind the curtains he would always

be working on something deadly, but after the government

stopped funding his experiments, Kirk staged a phony death

for himself and escaped to an isolated island facility

funded by unknown governments, who were paying him with

all the men and equipment he needed to carry on his works.

Recently Kirk has been working on something called the

Third Energy, not much is known about it as of yet.


Tom is one of the most successful spy in some years now

and his spying skills were put to test when he was asked

to infiltrate the facility where Doctor Kirk was working

on, he was the first person to send images of the doctor

very much alive. Tom infiltrated the facility posing as

one of the scientists and in very little time was able

to make it up to the high class clearance people, he also

established a place as one of Kirk's loyal people and he

would know more about Kirk's experiments then most people

on the staff did. But would tom's skills let him escape

this island alive ? find out in the game.
