Description :
Parasite Eve is a 1998 action role-playing video game developed and published by Square. The game is a sequel to the novel Parasite Eve, written by Hideaki Sena; it is also the first game in the Parasite Eve video game series. The story follows New York City police officer Aya Brea over a six-day span in 1997 as she attempts to stop the Eve, a woman who plans to destroy the human race through spontaneous human combustion. Players explore levels set in areas of New York while utilizing a pausable real-time combat system along with several role-playing game elements.
Parasite Eve was SquareSoft's first M-rated game, and the first major American and Japanese game development collaboration for the company. It was produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi and directed by Takashi Tokita. Music for the title was composed by Yoko Shimomura who was widely acclaimed for her work to create an "inorganic" and "emotionless" soundtrack that saw two album releases. Parasite Eve received positive reviews; critics praised the graphics and gameplay, but found the overall game too linear and with little replay potential.
The video game adaptation was part of a resurgence of popularity in Japanese horror sparked by the original book, and was released alongside a film adaptation and two manga comics; one based on the book, the other on the video game. The original title was also followed by two video game sequels: Parasite Eve II in 1999 and The 3rd Birthday in 2010, and was re-released on the PlayStation Network in 2010.
Parasite Eve Cover US

Parasite Eve Trailer Video PS1
Story Guide for Parasite Eve (Source Internet)

Story :
# Source : Squaresoft
A microorganism that lives within human cells and has existed
symbiotically with the nucleus for hundreds of millions of years.
Critical for production of energy within living things, Mitochondria has
its own genetic code and the ability to evolve and multiply. What if
this organism had her own intensions and was waiting for the day to take
over human race...?
Aya and her boyfriend go to Carnegie Hall to watch an opera. Suddenly,
the actors and audience burst into flames during the performance. While
the entire theatre is in frenzy, Aya is the only one who doesn't
combust. Through the screams of terror, one actress laughs loudly by
herself... "Who are you !?", Aya askes. "I...I am Eve." Aya takes her
gun and moves toward the stage. So begins the final battle for surviving
between the human race and the Mitochondria...
# This below passage is written by the author of this guide.
As its introduction, everyone all has Mitochondria in their bodies.
But it became growing from an instant incident. An African scientist
whose wife is caught in a car accident, tried to culture her liver cells
to keep her alive. He named these cells "Eve". Then the Mitochondria -
Eve has had chance to grow in a human body. Later, there was a kidney
transplantion between that woman and a young girl who is doubted to be
Maya - Aya's sister.
Aya's mother and sister has died in a car accident. In that tragedy,
Aya was the only one who was able to be saved. Her eye was destroyed and
she was transplanted with Maya's cornea. That's the reason why she could
see Maya in her mind. Because that was what Maya saw before her death.
But why does Eve live in Melissa Pearce's body ? Maya's and Melissa's
operations were happened at the same time : another transplantion
between Maya and Melissa. The guy who stands behind all these is Hans
Klamp. He supports Eve to grow. And Melissa is a person who badly wants
to take the main role in the opera, even selling her soul to the evil
just to stand on the stage. She takes a great deal of medication to
preserve her health. But now she is so weak to suffer, and then Eve has
chance to possess Melissa's body.
Aya...she feels to be called to the Carnegie Hall although she doesn't
like opera. But then the battle between Human and Mitochondria happens.
Aya has the Mitochondria cells from Maya that she is the only one who
can prevent Eve's power.
Maya, she is the real original Eve who makes everything to go wrong.
You can meet her in the Chrysler Building in EX Game mode. It's the
invincible Mitochondria with greatest power and strength...
Characters :
# From Squaresoft
AYA BREA \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : NYPD Rookie - Detective at the 17th Precinct
Age : 25
Height : 5 feet 3 inches (160cm)
Characteristics : The main character of this story. She has been on
the NYPD's 17th Precinct force for 6 months. After losing her mother in
an accident when she was a child, Aya grew determined to become a
MELISSA PEARCE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : Opera Singer on the rise
Age : 32
Height : 6 feet (183cm)
Characteristics : Her long awaited wish to play the leading role comes
true in an opera to be held on Christmas Eve. Although she is an
introvert and was constantly sick as a child, she began to aspire to
become an actress after learning about opera. She occasionally commutes
to the hospital even now and is always carrying some sort of medication.
EVE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : unknown
Age : unknown
Height : unknown
Characteristics : The first form - the mitochondria begins to come to
life within the cells of Melissa's body. After Eve comes to life, the
color of Melissa's eyes turns from brown to emerald green. Her hair
becomes disheveled. And the green flames that burn quietly in her eyes
combust people into flames showing us the immeasurable power that the
mitochondria possesses.
Eve is Melissa, yes. The heavy medication makes Melissa not appreciate
with her body that she turns into Eve. There is a secret between Eve and
Aya which involved Aya's accident.
DANIEL DOLLIS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : 20 year veteran detective in the 17th Precinct
Age : 42
Height : 6 feet (183cm)
Characteristics : A veteran detective who believes that "a detective
belongs in any field", is not on the road to a promotion any time soon.
Perhaps because of his passionate feelings for his work, Daniel and his
wife Lorraine got a divorce a year ago.
In the story Daniel is Aya's supporter in some situation.
BEN DOLLIS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : N/A
Age : 8
Height : 3 feet 6 inches (125cm)
Characteristics : Daniel's only son. After the divorce, Daniel takes
Ben into custody, but his mother is given visitation rights once a
month. He appears to be fine with his parent's divorce on the surface,
but deep down inside he hopes that they will all live together again
KUNIHIKO MAEDA \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : University Researcher (scientist)
Age : 35
Height : 5 feet 6 inches (172cm)
Characteristics : A scientist who resides in the pharmaceutical
department at a Japanese university. He is a very competent scientist,
but completely indifferent to everything else. When he is engrossed in
his research, he sometimes doesn't return home for days.
Aya would need much of Maeda's help in this game for clues about
HANS KLAMP \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : Scientist who resides with the American Museum of Natural
History Laboratory
Age : 37
Height : 5 feet 8 inches (175cm)
Characteristics : He is a scientist who is cool, calm and indifferent
who had previously aspired to become a doctor. His talent seemed
promising, but during his internship he suddenly became absorbed in the
study of Mitochondria.
DOUGLAS BAKER \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Occupation : Chief of the NYPD Homicide Department at the 17th
Age : 41
Height : 5 feet 8 inches (175cm)
Characteristics : A big man weighing 300 pounds. He started on the
same year as Daniel, but is now Daniel and Aya's boss. Daniel and
Douglas were once partners and solved many crimes together. But, Douglas
gradually shifted towards deskwork in contrast to Daniel who
concentrated on the crime scene.
OTHER GUYS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He is a rebellious young cop with a passion for firearms. His passion
is so powerful that he actually collects gun trading cards. It may be
his ultimate goal to create his own line of high-powered weapons. Wayne
is responsible for the Police Station's Weapon Department.
Torres works closely with Wayne and does his best to keep Wayne's gun
obsession under control. Torres is a seasoned cop, but his career took a
sudden turn after he lost his daughter in a gun mishap. Sworn to never
fore another gun again to help keep the gun problem under control, he
took a job in the Police Station's Weapon Department.
An employee of NYPD 17th Precint.
A detective of NYPD 17th Precinct.
A detective of NYPD 17th Precinct.
Ben's mother. She and the child always wish Daniel would spend more
time to be with them. But an unlucky fate has happened to her. She is
one of Eve's victims.
Aya's sister who was killed in the car accident. But since she return
to Aya in the Carnegie Hall, there's something strange about her and she
always wanders around Aya then. What does she want ?