Description :
Silent Hill is a survival horror video game for the PlayStation published by Konami and developed by Team Silent, a group in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo. The first installment in the Silent Hill series, the game was released in North America in February 1999, in Japan in March 1999 and in Europe in the Summer of 1999. Silent Hill uses a third-person view, with real-time rendering of 3D environments. To mitigate limitations of the console hardware, developers liberally used fog and darkness to muddle the graphics. Unlike earlier survival horror games that focused on protagonists with combat training, the player character of Silent Hill is an "everyman".
The game follows Harry Mason as he searches for his missing adopted daughter in the eponymous fictional American town of Silent Hill; stumbling upon a cult conducting a ritual to revive a deity it worships, he discovers her true origin. Five game endings are possible, depending on actions taken by the player, including one joke ending.
Silent Hill received positive reviews from critics on its release and was commercially successful. It is considered a defining title in the survival horror genre, and is also considered by many to be one of the greatest video games ever made, as it moved away from B movie horror elements toward a more psychological horror style, emphasizing atmosphere. Various adaptations of Silent Hill have been released, including a 2001 visual novel, the 2006 feature film Silent Hill, and a 2009 reimagining of the game, titled Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. The game was followed by Silent Hill 2 in 2001, and a direct sequel, Silent Hill 3, in 2003.

Silent Hill Cover US

Silent Hill Trailer Video PS1

Story Guide for Silent Hill (Source Internet)

Story :

Silent hill, a relatively unknown town in the United States

which has been suffering from false magical claims and its

tragic fate since the civil war, now is slowly re-establishing

itself, 7 years ago a huge fire burned a couple of houses in

the city area, after that the city started to change, now it

is one of the most famous holiday spots in the area. Many

people come to silent hill with their families just to enjoy

their time and have some fun.

Harry mason, a 36 year old writer is one of those people, he

used to come here often with his wife, seven years ago just

after the horrible fire occurred in the town harry and his

wife find a child laying on the side of the road exiting

from silent hill, they decide to keep the baby and name it

Cheryl, a couple of years after that Harry's wife suffers

a strange disease and passes away, now harry was left alone

with Cheryl, he raised Cheryl better then most people

would treat their own flesh and blood.

Silent hill was still Harry's favorite vacation spot, he

still went there often with Cheryl now, it was just another

vacation time when something went wrong. Cheryl was drawing

something in her sketchbook and harry was driving towards the

town, suddenly he notices a police bike coming in at a very

fast speed. The officer stays with Harry's car for a few

seconds then speeds on in front, harry ignores the officer

and continues back to his driving.

A little while later harry see's a wreck of a motorcycle on

the side, quickly identifying it harry turns around to see

the passing wreck , but he fails to notice the figure coming

ahead of the car in time, a young girl steps in front of the

car and harry tries his best to avoid the girl and in doing

so crashes the car, and gets knocked out.

When harry wakes up he finds Cheryl missing, she's not in

the car, so he gets out of the car and starts looking for her

in the town of silent hill..


The Silent Hill Manual :

The resort town of Silent Hill slips into quiet desolation,

now that the peak of development and growth has passed by.

The memories of a tragic fire 7 years ago still haunt the

townsfolk, and with the tourist season long past, there is

hardly a shadow stirring.

Harry Mason prefers to take late vacations with his daughter

Cheryl. This year they've made plans to visit Silent Hill.

Due to car trouble, they reach the outskirts of the town

late at night. Cheryl is sleeping in the back seat as a

motorcycle cop roars past his truck.

Moments later Harry spots the motorcycle dumped on the shoulder.

There is no one to be seen. It paints an ominous picture.

Suddenly, a shadow appears in front of the car. Harry turns

the wheel in panic. The car slides off the edge of the

road and into a gully.

Harry eventually regains consciousness. Cheryl is nowhere

to be seen. Snow is falling out of season. Where has

Cheryl disappeared to?

Harry walks toward a town he sees in the distance.

Characters :

Harry Mason

Age : 36

Job : Writer

Harry mason is a 36 year old writer who comes to the town

of silent hill often, his wife and he found a baby once there

and they started to adopt the baby, after losing her wife in

a strange disease harry continues coming back to this town with

her daughter who was now named Cheryl. There's something about

this place that harry likes which keeps him bringing back here

but this time when harry comes into a town a freak accident

later he looses cherry's sight. Now harry must find her daughter

quickly before any thing bad happens to her, but harry cant

stop wondering about the young teenage girls figure who he

see's many a times throughout the town of silent hill , and

something even more disturbing about this town, there were

no people here, everyone had just vanishes, and it was also

snowing in the middle of summer.

Something even more disturbing thats been happening to harry

in this town is that sometimes suddenly the town goes all dark

and the floors are replaced my large mesh walls, and all the

buildings seem to ghostify, the entire town becomes like a picture

out of hell, but then it goes back to normal again.

Harry finds out that he's not entirely alone in the town of

silent hill, there is a cop from the neighboring town of

brahms, cybill, a creepy old lady dahlia, and later on in the

game he finds a nurse named lisa who only seems to appear in

hell side of the town, what is the mystery behind this town

and what does it all have to do with him and Cheryl, harry

must find out the answers to these questions before its too


Cheryl Mason

Age : 7

Job : Student

Cheryl is Harry's only child and after the death of his wife

harry and Cheryl have gotten closer to each other then before.

Cheryl loves his father very much but she doesn't know the dark

truth behind her life, choral is not Harry's real daughter , they

found her on the side of the road exiting from silent hill about

7 years ago, she was a newborn baby at that time and she wouldn't

have survived on her own so harry and his wife took her as their

own child and adopted her, but no one knows about that.

Cheryl on the other hand is like any other 7 year old kid but

unknown to her and to harry that the town of silent hill has a

demonic bond with this town. Before his wife died, harry used

to come to this town often for relaxing and vacation, but after

his wife's death he started to come here with his daughter and

now this is one of their favorite vacation spots thanks to the

local resort area. Although she has been coming to this town on

each vacation , when Cheryl reaches a certain age group the

town started to act on itself and awaited cherry's arrival.

Now that Cheryl and silent hill are 1 again what will happen

What is the dark secret behind cherry's birth and why was she

on the side of the road, play the game to find out.

Cybil Bennett

Age : 22

Job : Officer at the Brahm's police station

Cybil is just your regular female officer who lives in the

neighboring town of silent hill, an equally small town known

as Brahm's. She used to come to silent hill often and she

knows this place just like her home town, one night suddenly

all communications from silent hill were cut off and there

was no trace of what happened, no distress signal, no calls

for help , it was like the town just vanished into thin air.

The Brahm's police force sent cybil to go and check out the

town to make sure that everything was alright, since she

knew more about the town she was the likely candidate for this

job. Cybil was just heading for the town when harry see's her

on her bike in the opening FMV.

Next time harry meets cybil is in the cafe where she took

harry probably after saving his life from those little zombies.

Cybil gives her gun to harry and leaves the town to look for

any survivors and for some information about what happened here.

The next time harry meets her is further into the game where she

claims to have seen a ghostly figure running towards the road

leading to the resort area of the town but she couldn't follow

because the road was cut. All in all cybil is one of the good

guys in this game and she helps harry find his daughter .

Dahlia Gillespie

Age : Over 60+

Job : Kinda witch

The first time harry meets this creepy old lady is in the

church of silent hill where she is ringing the church bell

probably calling someone, probably calling harry to come and

meet him there, she is a creepy old woman who talks about

the town in a weird sense of way and there is more to it

then it appears, she seems to know more about the town's

dark history and the events that are happening at the town

then anyone else, when harry meets her she hands harry an

item called the flaurous which is essentially the key to

beating the dark world around harry. During the course of

the game harry finds dahlia couple of times in different

places, how she is able to travel through town is unknown.

Each time harry meets her she either gives harry information

about whats been happening or either tells him vital clues

she appears to be helping harry reach his daughter but there

is more to it then the eye can see, is she just a creepy old

lady who is helping out or is she a creepy old lady who is

leading harry to something, or just using harry like a puppet

to fulfill her quests.. play the game to find out.

Doctor Kaufman

Age : 50

Job : Director at the hospital

Harry meets doctor kaufman at first inside the hospital where

he had just killed one of those monsters, when he first meets

harry he tries to shoot him as if he doesnt believe that harry

is a real human, but when harry does prove to him that he's

a human then kaufman loosens up a bit and starts sharing his

information with harry, but the weird thing is that kaufman

also seems to be on the events that have been happening in the

town lately. When harry asks him what was wrong with the town

the kaufman replies that he was just taking a nap and when he

woke up the entire place was like this. He also seems to know

about one particular case of burns from the several deaths which

happened when the town of silent hill was burned 7 years ago.

Later on in the game you find kaufman in the resort area where

harry saves his life from an attacking monster, but kaufman being

the rude person he is doesn't thank harry at all, a little while

after that when harry discovers an important item in the motel

area kaufman comes in suddenly and snatches the item off Harry's

hands, and he also appears to be very angry that harry found that

item in the first place, kaufman knows about the things that

have been happening in this town and he is an important key in

the unfolding of the secrets.


Age : In her 20's

Job : Nurse at the hospital

Lisa is one of the nurses working at the hospital , harry

finds her in the hospital examination room , and unlike any

other people he had met in the game lisa appears to only

be there in the dark side of the town, when harry first

meets lisa she is really scared at that time and she doesn't

want harry to let her go and she doesn't wants to be alone

again, she tries her best to make harry stay with him but

when she realizes that harry wont stop at anything to find

his daughter, lisa helps harry out a little bit and tells

him of an alternate way of reaching the resort area of the

town. Other then that lisa also tells harry about the past

history of the town and the burning incident that occurred

seven years ago.

Unknown to harry is that kaufam, who was the director of the

hospital, put lisa incharge of a patient from the burning

incidents, a young girl named alessa who's body was VERY

badly burned and she had to be strapped up completely like a

mummy. Lisa was literally disgusted by this and she was always

asking kaufman to change his post, she even has a fight about

it with kaufman which you can see in the opening FMV, the lisa

kinda creats a bond with the burned child. But she also makes

a big mistake, she finds out what doctor kaufman was planning

and her life is in constant danger.


Age : Young teenager

Job : ? scaring the hell out of harry

Harry finds this girl in many places in the town and each

time harry finds her she disappears before harry has the chance

to ask anything, her name is alessa and she is definitely not

normal, something is wrong with her , she is trying to avoid

harry but harry needs to find her and talk to her and ask her

where his daughter is, will harry catch up to alessa ? find

out in the game.
